Wednesday, December 31, 2008
To the Year's End
The year started off shaky. Jason, the man I had been dating for nearly two years, and I were no longer together. We were still talking and working through some things however. By February, we were back together and things seemed to be better than ever.
Meanwhile, I continued taking graduate classes at ETSU, which was more of a pain than anything really. I was quite burnt out and stressed. My internship in Greeneville didn't really help my situation at all. Politics just don't agree with me and it made (makes) for a very unpleasant work experience.
By June, I couldn't take anymore. My relationship with Jason was deteriorating at a rapid rate. There were issues there that I could no longer handle. It was affecting every aspect of my life and turning me into someone I did not want to become- bitter, hateful, and extremely unhappy. In addition, finances were very tight, which was only adding to my stress level. Thus, I began looking for jobs anywhere and everywhere. I had high hopes for a couple job opportunities in Greenville, SC so I quit my job in Greeneville, TN and made plans to move a little further south. However, this plan failed after Jason and I talked and worked through some things again. So, I decided to stay put and came back to my job in Greeneville, TN a few short weeks later.
By late July, I knew I needed to move closer to work. The commute was horrible and gas prices hovering around $4.00/gallon didn't help my financial situation in the slightest. After a long, frustrating search, I finally found a phenomenal apartment through the help of a co-worker. I finally moved the last week of August.
August was, in general, a great month. In addition to moving, I was able to get an adorable puppy, Sally. She has been so great for me and she couldn't have come at a better time. I hadn't planned on getting a puppy quite yet. I had wanted to get moved in and settled then find one. However, when I heard about Sally and saw her, I couldn't resist. She was one of 14 puppies (2-3 litters) found on the side of the road by a co-worker. They were approximately 4 weeks old and all near death. They were all so sweet and sad looking. Sally stole my heart from the first moment as she looked so different from the rest and had been the lone puppy walking along the street when they were discovered.
A few weeks after moving, Jason and I broke up again, this time for good. Things weren't improving and my emotional and mental states were in horrible condition. I needed to move on and I think having Sally around really helped me move on all the more quickly. After the break-up, I rediscovered my passion for creativity which I had pushed aside and ignored for the last 2 years. I find that I am happier now than I have been in years, even on those harder days.
Not much really occurred between September and December. I did decide to go back to education. Working in politics for the last year has really made me realize that I cannot do this for the rest of my life. So, I have done some research and will be looking for a job to start next fall teaching math or economics. Also in the fall, I will begin working toward obtaining my teaching certificate. I am quite excited about this opportunity and kick myself for not sticking with education many years back. But, everything happens for a reason, and I may not understand it fully right now, but I will in a few years I am sure.
The year did end on a high note. I was able to go to Disney World for the first time last weekend. It was amazing! My grandparents took my family as well as my aunt and uncle's families. We had a great time (well the rest of them are still having a great time, I had to come back early because I couldn't afford to miss any more work). I can't wait to go back though.
As this year ends, I look forward to what is to come in the next. Though the past year wasn't the greatest overall, I learned a lot and for that I am greatful. I have high hopes that 2009 will be the best yet. And I look forward to bringing it in tucked quietly away in my warm bed with my wonderful puppy lying beside me. Just the way I like it.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Another good song
I sing soft and low
Just like the moon
Over the snow
I hear icicles falling in the dark
We're just like anyone else
We just want a little bit
Of sun for ourselves
And a little bit of rain
To make it all grow
Maybe a minute or two
To get lost in the glow of love
There's always someone throwing matches around
Waving the shiny new knife
The first to run when the house burns down
I've seen it everyday of my life
I must confess there appears to be
Way more darkness than light
I want to fall like a pearl
To the bottom of the sea
There no one will find us tonight
It might look pretty bad
We might lose everything
We thought that we had
But shadows will pass
Smoke, it will clear
If something survives of us around here
I'll be glad 'cause I know
I was lost in the glow
Of love
Sappy...very sappy
I truly dont know why I am like this right now. I am completely fine with being single. But something has come over me lately which causes me to dream/yearn for a mate. I really just dont understand it at all. And it is driving me insane!
Which Will by Lucinda Williams
Which will you go for which will you love
Which will you choose from, from the stars above
Which will you answer which will you call
Which will you take for for your one and all
Tell me now which will you love the best
Which do you dance for which makes you shine
Which will you choose now if you won't choose mine
Which will you hope for which can it be
Which will you take now if you won't take me
Tell me now which will you love the best
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Amazing Raffle!
A $10 donation will purchase one raffle ticket and enter you into the drawing for the package containing a 12.2 Megapixel black Digital SLR Camera, a Canon 75-300mm zoom lens, a Jill.E camera bag, an ATP ProMax 2 GB SD card, a custom-made, adjustable camera strap from VM Jess, a 16 x 20 canvas print from iPrintCanvas and a complete blog makeover from Uptown Design Studio.
And each $10 donation you make puts YOUR name into the drawing. How amazing is that???? You get a chance for a great prize package and you help out some deserving organizations in the process.
All proceeds go to help: String of Pearls, No Hands But Ours, and The Elison Project.
You can find out more information by clicking on the link at the top of my blog.
Please do all you can to help these organizations.
Note: The raffle ends Dec. 14
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Marriage.
I watched P.S. I Love You last night and this quote really stuck with me. It sums up exactly what I desire to see in my life. I want to grow old with someone. Someone who I enjoy being around even after many years. But really, I believe it is just a great thought and so well put. It saddens me how few people truly care if they spend the rest of their life with their mate. The word marriage has lost so much of its value. The vows one takes on their wedding day are so frequently said in vain. People don't truly mean 'for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health'. What so many seem to really be saying is 'as long as I get my way and as long as I am happy', 'as long as you can buy me everything I want and entirely more than I need', and' maybe in sickness and in health but it depends. I can only handle so much you know'. Maybe it isn't that extreme and maybe most people don't go into the marriage thinking they will end up divorced. But I think many, way too many, go in to a marriage much less committed to the other individual than they should be.
This is not something I want for my life. I come from a broken home because at some point in my parent's marriage, my father decided that he no longer agreed with the vows he took. He was no longer interested in 'for better or worse'. He was only interested in 'as long as I get my way and as long as I am happy'. He was and is very selfish. And his selfishness led to the demise of thier marriage.
I hope that when I get married it will be for the rest of my life. I hope that I can grow old with that man. That I can love him through everything, through good times and bad. I hope that the first thing I want to do every morning is roll over and see his face. I hope that I can fall in love with him all over every day. I hope that he desires the same. I hope that he values the marriage and the vows we took. I hope that he values my committment to him and seeks to return the same.
I know this is all a bit sappy but it is something I fear has been lost with my generation. I am not niave. I know that marriage is not easy. I know that there are hard times beyond belief. But I also know that a happy, committed marriage is not impossible. Many have succeeded at marriage. My grandparents for one have been married for nearly 51 years. And are still very happy. What makes is possible is selflessness. What makes it possible is communication. What makes it possible is love. What makes it possilbe is committment not only to the other person but to oneself. What makes it possible is co

This is my deisre. I hope I realize it. And I hope that if you too desire this, that it will be realized.
Are these sacred anymore?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sewing Projects


1. This is from a camping trip in Unicoi County this past Memorial Day (there were about 10 or so of us).
2. We traveled quite a ways down old logging roads to find our campsite...quite fun...and a little unnerving at times.
3. Around midnight, some people from a group camping close by came to our campsite, quite drunk and loud. By this time I was already in the tent asleep. Waking up to strange voices, made me quite uncomfortable. All I could think of was a gun fight...haha...a bit dramatic I know, but I was half asleep, we were in the middle of nowhere and drunk individuals are quite unpredictable. Thankfully no guns were displayed and they left after about 30 minutes or so.
4. This fire got quite large during the course of the night as one of the guys with us just kept piling logs on...and is amazing that some of the trees above us didnt get a little scorched.
I will also link some people to create a similar post if they so desire: Danielle, Emily, Jessica
Friday, November 21, 2008
Great Lyrics
Artist: Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I came to hear the music
I came to hear the sound
The music, God knows it brings me down
A long, long road
From now to then
I know your song, sing it again
'Cause there's so many things I don't believe I understand
How the days turn into weeks, turn into months
The years become a moment in the ever-changing sand
Did God make time to keep it all from happening at once?
All at once...
I came to love the music before I came to be
To know the music before it came to me
A long, long time ago, I don't know when
We sang a song
Along with the wind
And there's so many things I don't believe I'll understand
Why the days turn into weeks, turn into months
And the years become a moment in the ever-changing sand
Yes, God made time to keep it all from happening at once
All at once...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I decided to post some pictures I have taken over the years. Most of these are from my travels in 2004 to Nicaragua and Jamaica. The rest were taken around my apartment and Greeneville. Sadly, I haven't been as active in capturing images as I used to be, however, I am working hard to change this.

This little girl was amazing. Her looks were so sincere. It is as if you could see directly into her soul. Probably one of my favorite pictures of all time.

I love this photo as well. Pure joy!
As you can see, I love photographing people. I especially love close-ups of faces. I have many of those that will have to come at a later date. You can truly see so much about a person through their eyes. I love capturing just a little of that.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
My Name is Laura and I am a Sentimentalist

Friendships have forever changed. Jessica and I are not as close as we were. T

Though I wish some things would have never changed, that friendships would be as strong today as they were 13 years ago, I am thankful that the friendships still exist and that they continue to bless my life. But most of all, I am thankful for where I have been, where I am and where I am going.
There you have it. Many thoughts on my life, all scattered about in a bit of reflection. And all quite sentimental.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Amazing Child Singer
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" (the singing starts at about a minute and a half into the video)
This is about the age of 7:
"And I Will Always Love You"
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Adventure

So, back to the story, I decided that we would try to find the other end of our loop, hoping that it was a safer route than the previous.
Oh happy day! The other section was indeed much safer than the previous, and amazingly just as beautiful. This time we were in the valley rather than atop the mountain.
We continued, entering NC and the Pisgah National Forest, encountering yet another dirt road. However, this time, it was bordered by the mountains on the northeast and the French Broad River to the southwest. The river was stunning. I longed to be in a kayak, floating along with the current, being one with the water. (But, that will have to come at a later date.) Saturday, Sally and I just enjoyed the landscape that was so perfectly designed.
We ended our expedition at Murray Branch Recreation Area where Sally was able to wade into the river a bit when I enjoyed a rest on some rocks in the river. It was a fantastic day and I am looking forward to returning again this weekend for a longer visit.
Friday, October 10, 2008
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." I saw this in a Ziggy comic about 10 years ago and it has just really stuck with me. I think on some level it has become a motto for my life. I try to live my life seeing the benefit of every situation. I have been through many things that have been less than pleasurable but I have done my best to see that even those hard times have value and purpose. I think that is what pulls me through when the pain, frustration, and disappointment become overwhelming.
"It is never too late to give up our prejudices. No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trusted without proof. What every body echoes or in silence passes by as true today may turn out to be falsehood in tomorrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields. What old people say you cannot do you try and find that you can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new." - Thoreau
"It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is." - Hermann Hesse
"It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well." - Rene Descartes
Also, I am really enjoying the beautiful colors that are gracing the Blue Ridge Mountains right now. Just walking around my yard inspires me to get back to my photography hobby, which I have shelved for many years.
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares drop off like autumn leaves." - John Muir
Until next time,