Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wake Forest, Here I (and Sally) Come!!!

Can you tell I am excited?

I have been offered (& accepted) a job teaching math at a high school in Franklin Co., NC just outside of Raleigh/Wake Co. I am very excited about the move and the new opportunities it will bring. I look forward to working with the children and impacting their lives as I know they will impact mine.

I am excited about getting back to my roots. My grandmother (and grandfather?) were from Wake Co. I hope to find a genealogical library or the like in the area to do some family tree research. Also, I look forward to being close enough to visit my beloved granny's grave for the first time.

I am very anxious and nervous about this process also. I have never lived this far from home. Though I am not really concerned about that. I love the adventure and the distance doesn't bother me greatly. I am quite upset about being so far from Veronica. Six hours is a great distance but at least we have phones and the internet. Otherwise, I would be lost. In addition, the process of moving is a bit overwhelming. The initial costs are quite high and getting furniture and such to Wake Forest could be a challenge, financially and logistically. But all will work out I am sure.

Nonetheless, a new chapter in my life is beginning. A fresh start is what I will be making. I couldn't be any happier. I look forward to seeing what joys, challenges, triumphs, obstacles and so forth come my way. It is an exciting time!

1 comment:

MrsSki said...

I'm so excited for you Laura! While moving can be scary it will also be a new experience that will be an adventure everyday! I hope that your move goes smoothly!